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Primary School

Dear Parents and Carers

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to our parents for their fantastic work on decorating our playground and with the creation of our PTA Wildlife Garden project. Thank you to everyone that has given up their time to help paint tables, benches, decorate the play shed and the reading shed, plant seeds in the flower pots, wellies and wheelbarrow! Your tremendous help and support is greatly appreciated by all the staff and the children.

On Wednesday 16th May from 3.15pm till 5.00pm we would like to invite you to drop in and see the beautiful garden that has been created by the parents' hard work and donations. This is situated at the back of the site by the astro turf.

A special thank you to: Andy Wilson, Inci Rustem, Cem Rustem, Kayt Wilson, Leila Wishart, Louise Diakou, Jack Diakou, Ross Whitfield, Georgia Whitfield, Rupa Hillen, Ruth McDonald, Drostan McDonald, Seb Kramarz, Sue Clift, Helen Baeckstroem, Claire Moon, Tim Sanders and Liz Warner!

The children in Reception and Y1 will have supervised access to this outdoor area over the summer term on a regular basis to further enhance their learning with the local habitat.

Best wishes and thank you.

Mr Tofallis

Head Teacher