Our External Agency visit form - As part of Ashmole Trust’s safeguarding policy, we require all external agencies to complete the below before speaking to a student. This is to confirm the information we hold is the same as the external agency
Ashmole Primary School is now working as part of the Operation Encompass project to safeguard our children. Learn more by visiting their website at https://www.operationencompass.org/
Operation Encompass is a National initiative whereby police swiftly inform school Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL’s) and their deputies of pupils who have been present during a domestic incident. Locally, police officers within the Barnet, Brent and Harrow Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) teams are responsible for making these disclosures to DSL’s. The disclosures are made using a secure method every weekday by 09:00 hours - or as soon as practicable (resource and demand permitting). Operation Encompass now also share disclosures all year round, including school holidays and not just in term time.