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Primary School

Ashmole Primary Parents and Teachers Association (APPTA)

The Ashmole Primary Parents and Teachers Association (APPTA) arranges a variety of social, educational and money raising functions throughout the year for the benefit of our children attending Ashmole Primary School. All parents/carers of children attending the school are automatically members and are welcome to attend the regular meetings to discuss events.

Welcome to Ashmole Primary Parents and Teachers Association (APPTA)

APPTA’s elected trustees work alongside Mr Tofallis and the rest of the Ashmole Primary School team. They coordinate a range of events and initiatives, providing an important community feel as well as opportunities to raise money in different ways to benefit every child at our school. All the funds raised are used to enhance our children’s school experience, from providing books through to buying playground equipment.


As a parent or carer with a child at the school you are automatically a member of APPTA, and we are really excited about the potential of our PTA as the school grows.

Get involved

We are planning to have a full calendar of events for 2021, whether virtual or in person, and we need your support and ideas to make this happen. We would like to ask parents & carers to suggest and lead on fundraising and community-building events with the support of the trustees. Our website (coming soon) and broadcast channel will have updates and more information on any forthcoming events.

We would love every parent & carer to become actively involved in the school community and there are many ways you can do this. Please look out for our newsletters, join one of our volunteer groups and attend our open meetings to meet other parents and help support the school!

Meet the team


Mai Hoang  

Vice Chair 

Andria Themistokli 


Vinnie Nakrani 


Valerie Morgan 

Vice Secretary 

Jaheda Khanom  

Elected Trustee 

Rahul Basu  

Elected Trustee 

Ruksana Kamal-Uddin 

Keep in touch

Join our WhatsApp broadcast group (contact one of us or your class rep for details)
Browse our website

Read our newsletters
Email us with your fundraising ideas and any questions – 

Thank you for your support and we look forward to meeting you.

Class Reps

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

What is the role of a PTA?

PTAs bridge the gap between the school and parents, in relation to events and fundraising. They are best known for their fundraising work, but they also have a social function. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.

What is a formal committee?

A formal committee is a group of people elected for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group.

Every parent or carer, is automatically a member of the APPTA, but not of the formal Committee, unless they opt in at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Some meetings will be an open invitation to all, but the monthly meetings will remain for the committee members only.